Literature, Booths, and Banners


The information on this page is related to the policy and procedures related to distribution of literature, posting of signs and banners, and hosting of informational booths on the San Marcos campus.

Student Involvement
Department of Student Involvement & Engagement

Phone: (512) 245-3219
Physical location: LBJ Student Center, Suite 4-2.1


Distribution of Literature

Any person may distribute literature outdoors on grounds owned or controlled by Texas State with the exception of literature that contains a commercial message. 

  • a. interfere with academic or other institutional programs that are being conducted in campus facilities;

    b. interfere with the free and unimpeded flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic on sidewalks and streets and at places of ingress and egress to and from campus buildings;

    c. use obscene or libelous language, images, or materials;

    d. harass or intimidate individuals;

    e. promote the violation of local, state, or federal law or published university policy or Texas State University System (TSUS) Rules and Regulations;

    f. constitute disorderly conduct, disrupt classroom discussion, impede maintenance of public order, or constitute a danger to the person distributing or receiving literature;

    g. litter or deface the campus grounds, such as chalking, graffiti, flyers in unapproved locations, etc.;

    h. place literature on vehicles; or

    i. share a commercial message.


For commercial messages including the sale or offer for sale of any property, goods, products, or services and the receipt of or request for any gift or contribution, visit: On-Campus Solicitation.

Activities related Employment Opportunities

All activities related to on-campus recruiting, including posting, distributing literature, and tabling for employment opportunities are managed through Career Services. 

Career Services can assist an organization to devise the best outreach strategy to help meet recruiting goals, while also maintaining compliance with university policies and Career Services recruiting guidelines.

Posting of Literature

Required Elements

  1. Full name of the organization or department. Must be present and clearly visible. 
  2. Date, time, and location of the event, program, service, or engagement.
  3. Contact information including email address and/or phone number.
  4. ADA Statement - Recommendation: For accommodations due to disability, contact INSERT NAME OF ORGANIZATION by email at or phone at (###) ###-#### at least 72 hours prior to start of event. 
  • Bulletins & Kiosks 
    Texas State maintains public bulletin boards and kiosks designated for posting literature. Each administrative unit maintains the location of each such bulletin board and kiosk in their respective building.

    The bulletin boards and kiosks designated for posting literature are designed as limited public forums for use by Texas State students, faculty, and staff. 

    1. A person may post only one item of literature on each bulletin board.
    2. A person may not place literature in a manner that obstructs other items previously posted.

    Posting in residence halls must be reviewed by the director of the Department of Housing and Residential Life (DHRL), or designee.

    • a tree, shrub, or plant
    • permanent sign or another sign that has been properly posted;
    • a fence, a chain, or a fence’s support structure
    • a brick, concrete, or masonry structure (e.g., Alkek Library columns);
    • a statue, monument, or similar structure
    • a utility pole or traffic light control junction box
    • a fire hydrant or any object within 25 feet of a fire hydrant
    • a curb or sidewalk, or the area between a curb and a sidewalk
    • a building or wall, except on a bulletin board attached to a building or wall
    • a bench or bus stop
    • a trash can or dumpster
    • a vending machine
    • automobiles, without the owner’s prior consent
    • windows
    • restrooms
    • elevators
    • walls, floors, stairs, and stairwells both inside and outside of structures, unless approved
    • handrails throughout the Texas State campuses.
  • Literature may be posted for a period of 10 university days or until the day following the event, whichever comes first. 

    A date stamp must be received from Student Involvement & Engagement prior to posting. 

  • Literature may not exceed 22 x 28 inches in size.

    Persons may only post literature on paper or other material that is affixed to the bulletin board in a manner in which it can be easily removed.

    When posting literature on university structures such as bulletin boards, material must be dated and include contact information. 

    This is not applicable to flyers or literature distributed by individuals.

  • Texas State University may remove any sign not containing a current date stamp. 

    The person posting literature must remove it when the posting period has expired.

Request Stamp for Posting

Timeline for Review and Stamping
Submit all requests at least 3 business days prior to the intended date of posting. 

SI&E may or may not review and/or stamp literature if request is received prior to three (3) business days.

The timeline ensures SI&E has sufficient time to review, respond regarding any feedback for corrections/changes, and/or return of stamped posting. 

In-Person Requests

In-person requests can be made in Student Involvement & Engagement:

  • LBJ Student Center, Suite 204 (2nd Floor)
  • LBJ Student Center, Suite 420 (4th Floor)

Requestor will be prompted to submit online form for review and stamp.

Online Form via Bobcat Org Hub

Contact & Questions

Operations & Assessment
Student Involvement & Engagement
LBJ Student Center, Suite 204
(512) 245-3219

Informational Booths

Highly Encouraged - Not required

Although not required, it is recommended that persons schedule space for an informational booth to ensure adequate accommodations. 

Informational booths cannot be used for solicitation (sale or offer for sale of any property, goods, products, or services and the receipt of or request for any gift or contribution).

Non-TXST Organizations/Groups
Persons wishing to schedule space for informational booths should submit the request to Student Involvement & Engagement - Campus Access Team.

TXST Registered Student Organizations & Departments
Registered student organizations should follow procedures outlined in Outdoor Space Reservation.

Request an Information Booth

List of and Locations
Information booths are located in Outdoor Spaces. For a list of and locations of Outdoor Spaces, visit: Outdoor Space Reservations.

Contact Campus Access Team at at least 10 business days prior to date of reservation date to request an outdoor space for an informational booth. 

Requests must include
Requests must include name of point of contact, name of organization, contact information (email and phone number), and the date, time, and outdoor space location for prospective informational booth.

Banners - University Departments Only

Procedures for Posting Banners

Banner Size
Banners are larger signs, up to six feet in length and three feet in width. 

Special Provisions
Although the policies for literature apply in general to banners, some special provisions also apply. Student Involvement & Engagement consults with Environmental, Health, Safety, Risk and Emergency Management (EHS) regarding temporary structures to ensure the safety of the Texas State University community. 

Removal of Banner(s)
Texas State may remove a banner before the reservation expires if it is damaged by weather, becomes a safety hazard, or becomes unreadable.

Locations for Banners

LBJ Student Center
Reservation required. Contact LBJSC Conference Services

Academic Services Building (ASB) - Catwalks
These areas are non-public forums, are available on a first-come, first-served basis, and require a confirmed reservation request through the department chair for Counseling, Leadership, Adult Education, and School Psychology.

Departments on Campus
Departments on campus control the walls inside their buildings and may place banners on these walls. The walls of all campus buildings are non-public forums, subject to the exclusive control of the departments occupying those buildings.

Submit Request for Approval

University departments only.

Request for approval are made via The Bobcat Organization Hub. Requests are due at least 10 business days prior to date when university department is expecting to post. 

This allows SI&E time to connect with Facilities and/or the respective academic or administrative department responsible for building or space.