Market Days


Student Involvement & Engagement (SI&E) invites you to join us for Market Days. SI&E will host businesses and vendors to sell their products and services at Texas State University on the San Marcos campus. 

Vendor Registration/Payment Form

Vendor registration and spaces available for FY2025 (fall 2024 and spring 2025) are now available. 

Registration and spaces are on a first-come, first-serve basis. Vendor Agreements, Terms & Conditions are included as part of the Vendor Registration via Market Place. Use link below to make your purchase.


Student at Market Day

Dates & Locations

Market Days will be hosted three (3) times per semester and at two (2) locations on the San Marcos campus. 

  • The Quad - 30 outdoor spaces
  • The Mall - 20 outdoor spaces

Fall 2024

  • Wednesday, September 11
  • Wednesday, October 9
  • Wednesday, November 6

Spring 2025

  • Wednesday, February 12
  • Wednesday, March 5
  • Wednesday, April 9


For Mall and Quad

Time & Schedule

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Schedule for Set-Up and Tear-Down

  • Unloading: 6:30 AM to 7:00 AM
    • QUAD 
      • Vendors may drive into The Quad to unload. Vehicles must be off Quad by 7:00 AM.
    • MALL
      • Vendors will need to unload at their assigned location near Jones Dining Hall.
    • Student Involvement and Engagement Staff are available to oversee set-up and assist with any questions you may have regarding Market Days. 
  • Set Up: 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM
  • Opens: 8:00 AM
  • Closes: 5:00 PM 
    • Vendors must cease sales at 5:00 PM. 
  • Tear down: 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM 
    • Must begin immediately and regardless if any customers remain. 
    • All vehicles must be off campus grounds by 6:00 PM.

Locations & Vendor Space Assignments

The Quad

Map of The Quad - Updated on 09/04/2024

The Quad

Updated - 09/04/2024

  • 1    Tay's Paintbrush
    2    Maks racks
    3    Vanilla Bean Market
    4    Avalon Jewelry 
    5    Zays Customs
    6    Gold Co
    7    Finally Vegan Macarons
    8    Kalianas Boutique
    9    Small Town Farm
    10    Klassic Vintage
    11    Hays Co. Outfitters
    12    SA Asian Gifts
    13    Luce di Lucca Jewelry 
    14    Buenas Vibes
    15    Gold Star Kettle Corn 
    16    Pingo de Mel Brazilian Bakery LLC
    17    Dino Jiu Jitsu
    18    Texas Feng Shui Shop
    19    grizzlyfinds
    20    Creative Marketing
    21    Sparkle Me 
    22    Gold's Gym
    23    Jarbicraft Home Decor
    24    La Pastel Collective
    25    European Wax Center
    26    Hays-Caldwell Women's Center
    27    Libra Stitches
    28    Jacky?s Boutique
    29    Jet's 3D Prints
    30    Armadillo Boulders
    31    Samsara Creations
    32    Silver Way LLC
    33    Uptown Cheapskate 

The Mall

Map of The Mall - Updated 09/04/2024

The Mall

Updated - 09/04/2024

  • 1    Remigems
    2    KupShack
    3    Siriwan Boutique 
    4    Black Llama
    5    Amiracle.Maade Permanent Jewelry
    6    SincerelyABW
    7    Karizustyle
    8    Hangry Dogs
    9    Over the Moon Popcorn
    10    European Wax Center @ The Lyndon
    11    GoodenSweets Cookies 
    12    MainAttractionVtg 
    13    UFCU
    14    512 SHIRTZ 
    15    Sassy But Sweet Chamoy 
    16    A Matter of Crust Bakery
    17    Katie May
    18    Sammy Snacks 
    19    Caribreoso Flavour Boutique
    20    Trinket Amor
    21    Vacant
    22    Personalized gifts 
    23    San Marcos Film Lab
    24    Mayan Culture 
    25    Vacant

Parking for Vendors

Parking for The Quad Vendors

R2 Sessom Parking Lot

R2 Sessom Parking Lot is located between Live Oak Hall and Physical Power Plant, and on the intersection of Sessoms Drive and Peques Street.  

ADA Parking available.

Trailer and Box Truck parking available.

Parking for The Mall Vendors

Wood Street Garage

Wood Street Garage is located on the intersection Wood Street and Talbot Street. Top floor parking spaces and accessible elevators are available for vendors in the Wood Street Garage.

ADA Parking available. 

Trailer and Large Box Truck parking are not allowed.

Instructions for Vehicle Permit Registration

Detailed instructions including Voucher Code will be emailed to approved vendors at least one week before start of their respective Market Day. Instructions will include using the “Purchase Event Parking Permit” selection via Parking Service. 

Only approved vendors will be allowed to use Voucher Code. All other requests will be declined. Parking Services will apply charges directly to persons with denied parking permit requests. 

Complete registration and request by the Friday before the Market Day to ensure permit is approved.

One permit per vendor

Vendors can personally purchase additional parking registration permits for multiple vehicles, trailers, and/or box trucks. 

Purchases can be made via Parking Services.

ADA Parking

Vendor(s) with vehicle(s) with ADA Parking Permits have access to:

Ensure that plates or hang tags are visible so that Parking Services can review and provide access.

Important Information for Vendors with Food and Beverage

Student organizations selling food

Temporary Food Establishment Permit & Food Handlers License

If you plan to sell or hand out food, a valid food handlers license and Temporary Food Establishment Permit is required. The document can be found on the Environmental Health, Safety, Risk and Emergency Management site and must be submitted to them for approval.

Commercial Vendors Selling or Serving Food

Commercial vendors selling or serving food on campus for the LBJ Market Days event must fill out the Temporary Food Establishment (TFE) Permit Application at least 10 days prior to the first date of operation.

Vendor must provide the following information:

  • The sponsoring department name and contact information:
    • Sponsoring Department: Student Involvement & Engagement
    • Contact: Dr. Jesse Silva – js202
  • A copy or photo of your Texas Food Handler certification 
  • A copy or photo of your Retail Food Establishment permit (if any food will be prepared there ahead of the event). 
  • Once your application is reviewed and complete, the TXST EHSREM Food Safety program will send an invoice for the permit fee. 
  • TFE permits for LBJ Market Days are $50 per semester. 

Food & Safety Program at 
SI&E Operations & Assessment at

Important Information & FAQ

  • Per UPPS 07.04.03 - Solicitation on Campus, Student Involvement will sponsor non-university entities to solicit on campus for designated days. There will be a charge of $105 per booth space.

    Proceeds will be available for student organizations per section 04.04 as indicated below:

    Market Days will be designated for at least two one-day periods each long-term semester for the activities authorized under this policy with time, place and manner of non-university entities. The activities must be conducted in compliance with State law, Texas State University System (TSUS) Board of Regents’ Rules and university policies and procedures. Texas State shall charge to non-university entities, an appropriate fee for the privilege of conducting such activities. All university profits raised via Market Days will be allocated to student organizations via Student Involvement.

  • Student Involvement reserves the right to decline any submissions or cancel an event at any time for any reason. By registering for the event, the vendor hereby agrees to all Terms and Conditions listed on this page:

    Payment & Refunds

    • Non-university entities or vendors must pay $105 per booth to confirm a reservation. 
    • Submissions are processed on a first-come, first-serve basis. 
    • Payment is due at the time of registration and through MarketPlace Store. 
    • Refunds are provided if you cancel your participation at least one week prior to the event OR if we cancel an event and you cannot make the rescheduled date.

    Vendor Booth Areas

    • Booth spaces are 10'x10'. 
    • Vendors must stay within their booth area so that traffic flow is not compromised. 
    • All booths must also be held down by a weight on each corner to ensure that booths do not shift or move in inclement weather. 
    • Vendors are responsible for providing their own tables, chairs, tents, etc. 
    • Texas State University and Student Involvement and Engagement do not provide power to vendors.
    • Vendors must clean up all their trash after the event is over and return the space to its original condition.

    Set Up & Tear Down

    • Unloading: 6:15 AM to 7:00 AM
      • Vendors may drive into The Quad to unload.  
      • Student Involvement staff will be available to oversee set-up and assist with any questions you may have regarding Market Days. 
      • Vendor vehicles must be off the quad by 7:00 AM. 
    • Market Day Opens: 8:00 AM
    • Market Day Closes: 5:00 PM 
      • Vendors must cease sales at 5:00 PM. 
    • Tear down: 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM 
      • Must begin immediately and regardless of if customers remain. 

    Food & Consumables

    • Vendors are expected to abide by the food safety guidelines provide by the Environmental, Health, Safety, & Risk Management office. Information can be found here
    • Vendor must provide a valid and unexpired copy of their Food Handling Certification.  One person with food-handling certification must be present at the booth at all times.
    • Drinks must be Coca-Cola related product(s). 

    Respect and Decorum

    • Vendors are expected to treat everyone in the Texas State University community with respect. 
    • Comply with any and all directives by or from a university official.
    • Vendor’s guest assisting with your booth are held to all the vendor expectations.
  • Permissible solicitation must be conducted in a manner that will not:

    • Interfere with academic or other institutional programs that are being carried on in campus facilities.
    • Interfere with the free and unimpeded flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic on sidewalks and streets and places of ingress and egress to and from campus buildings.
    • Use obscene or libelous language or materials. 
    • Have any items of a sexual nature. There shall be no sexually suggestive costumes or nudity of any kind allowed at any time. This also applies to advertising/promotional materials. 
    • Promote the student use of alcohol or tobacco products. The sale or giving away of alcohol- or tobacco-related logo items is prohibited. Advertising and promotional activities shall not encourage or imply approval or acceptance of alcohol abuse, underage drinking, drinking and driving, drinking as a solution to personal or academic problems or drinking as necessary to social, sexual or academic success. Prohibited items include beer mugs, margarita glasses, shot glasses, etc.
    • Harass, embarrass or intimidate the person or persons being solicited. 
    • Advocate the deliberate violation of a federal or state law or a published Regent’s Rules or university policy.
    • Constitute disorderly conduct, disrupt classroom discussion, impede maintenance of public order or constitute a danger to the person distributing or disseminating material or any other individual or group.
    • Litter the campus grounds.
    • Violate City of San Marcos ordinance on posting of material on utility, traffic light poles or other public structures (Contact: City of San Marcos, Building & Inspections, 393-8232).
  • Vendors who fail to comply will be held accountable with the violation order:

    • 1st violation – Verbal Warning issued, no further action taken other than the warning being documented in the Market Day vendor file.
    • 2nd violation – Written Warning issued, vendor suspended from participating in Market Days for six months. Violation documented in the Market Day vendor file
    • 3rd violation – Written notification that vendor will be suspended from further Market Days for one calendar year.
    The fee to participate in Market Day is $150.00 per event space and is due at time of registration. Spaces are 10 x 10 for a single space. First-come, first-serve. 

    NEW: There are a total of 55 spaces available on each Market Day. The Quad includes 30 outdoor spaces. The LBJSC Mall includes 25 outdoor spaces.

    Once payment has been received, Student Involvement and Engagement does their best to accommodate those space preferences. 

    You can pay for as many as you are registered for. Additional spaces can be purchased if available.

    We only accept card payments via our online MarketPlace at this time. 

    Vendors must bring any and all things they need, including tents, tables and promotional material. 

    Electricity is not provided, nor do we allow vendors to plug into nearby buildings. If you need electricity, you will need to bring a generator and follow EHRSM regulations.

    There is no wait list opportunities.

  • Vendor fees are refundable only in the event that Student Involvement and Engagement must cancel or reschedule an event and the vendor is unable to participate in the rescheduled date. 

    Refunds are not provided if vendor does not attend a Market Day, or if request for refund is made after Market Day. 

    Unfortunately, we are currently unable to shift a vendor payment from one date to another. We are exploring this option for the future. 

  • Yes! We welcome entrepreneur students to Market Day. 

    However, due to your status as a student with the university, parking modifications might be made for your convenience.

  • Student Involvement and Engagement will determine if Market Day proceeds or is cancelled due to inclement weather. An email will be sent to confirmed vendors to let them know of the decision. 

    If possible, Student Involvement and Engagement will be rescheduled to a later date. All vendors who paid will be able to participate in the rescheduled date. If vendor is unable to participate in rescheduled date, vendor should contact Student Involvement and Engagement to request a refund.