Prospective Vendors


Thank you for your interest in participating in River Fest.

Vendor participation is by invite only. 

Monica Flores
Coordinator for Campus Programming
Student Involvement
Student Involvement & Engagement
Phone: 512-245-3219

Purchase a Space

View River Fest Map

Vendor Agreements, Terms, and Conditions

Student Involvement reserves the right to decline any submissions or cancel an event at any time for any reason. By purchasing and registering for the event, you accept and agree to the policy on solicitation on campus, vendor agreements, and terms & conditions.

  • Per UPPS 07.04.03, Student Involvement and Engagement will sponsor non-university entities to solicit on campus for designated days. 

    • Vendors are invite only. Purchases can only be made by vendors who are invited.
      • Vendors interested in participating in River Fest must contact Monica Flores, Coordinator for Campus Programming - Student Involvement & Engagement, at
    • All vendors must pay $200.00 (USD) per booth to confirm a reservation.
    • Payment is due at the time of registration and through MarketPlace Store.
    • Refunds are provided if you cancel your participation by Monday, March 31, 2025 by 5:00 PM.
    • Refunds will not be provided after Monday, March 31, 2025. 
    • Refunds may also be provided if SI&E cancels the event.
    • Booth spaces are 10'x10', or as set by SI&E Staff.
    • Vendors must stay within their booth area so that traffic flow is not compromised. All booths must also be held down by a weight on each corner to ensure that booths do not shift or move in inclement weather. Vendors are responsible for providing their own tables, chairs, tents, etc.
    • Texas State University and Student Involvement and Engagement do not provide power to vendors.
    • Logistical information regarding setup and teardown will be communicated to paid vendors after completion of registration and payment. 
    • Ensure that your contact information (phone number and email address) is spelled correctly to prevent miscommunication. 
    • Any and all vendors selling food and/or beverage are expected to abide by the food safety guidelines provide by the office of Environmental, Health, Safety, & Risk Management. 
      • Food/beverage vendor must provide a valid and unexpired copy of their Food Handling Certification.  
      • One person with food-handling certification must be present at the booth at all times.
      • Drinks must be Coca-Cola related product(s).
      • Visit: Environmental, Health, Safety, Risk and Emergency Management – Food Program for detailed information. 
    • Commercial Vendors Selling or Serving Food
      • Commercial vendors selling or serving food on campus for the event must fill out the Temporary Food Establishment (TFE) Permit Application at least 10 days prior to the first date of operation.
      • Vendor must provide the following information:
        • The sponsoring department name and contact information:
        • Sponsoring Department: Student Involvement & Engagement
        • Contact: Monica Flores, Coordinator for Campus Programming - Student Involvement & Engagement -
      • A copy or photo of your Texas Food Handler certification 
      • A copy or photo of your Retail Food Establishment permit (if any food will be prepared there ahead of the event). 
      • Once your application is reviewed and complete, the TXST EHSREM Food Safety program will send an invoice for the permit fee. 
    • Vendors are expected to treat everyone in the Texas State University community with respect. 
    • Vendors must comply with any and all directives by or from a university official. 
    • Vendor’s guest assisting with your booth are held to all the vendor expectations. 
  • Permissible solicitation must be conducted in a manner that will not:

    • Interfere with academic or other institutional programs that are being carried on in campus facilities.
    • Interfere with the free and unimpeded flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic on sidewalks and streets and places of ingress and egress to and from campus buildings.
    • Use obscene or libelous language or materials including:
      • Have any items of a sexual nature. There shall be no sexually suggestive costumes or nudity of any kind allowed at any time. This also applies to advertising/promotional materials.
      • Promote the student use of alcohol or tobacco products. The sale or giving away of alcohol- or tobacco-related logo items is prohibited. Advertising and promotional activities shall not encourage or imply approval or acceptance of alcohol abuse, underage drinking, drinking and driving, drinking as a solution to personal or academic problems or drinking as necessary to social, sexual or academic success. Prohibited items include beer mugs, margarita glasses, shot glasses, etc.
      • Harass, embarrass or intimidate the person or persons being solicited.
    • Advocate the deliberate violation of a federal or state law or a published Regent’s Rules or university policy.
    • Constitute disorderly conduct, disrupt classroom discussion, impede maintenance of public order or constitute a danger to the person distributing or disseminating material or any other individual or group.
    • Litter the campus grounds.
    • Violate City of San Marcos ordinance on posting of material on utility, traffic light poles or other public structures (Contact: City of San Marcos, Building & Inspections, 393-8232).
  • Vendors who fail to comply will be held accountable with the violation order:

    • First violation: Frist verbal warning issued. No further action taken other than the warning being documented in the vendor file.
    • Second violation: Second verbal warning issued. Vendor is informed of lack of compliance and notified of pending removal should lack of compliance continue.
    • Third and final violation: Vendor is notified of continued violations and lack of compliance. Vendor informed and is required to immediately conclude sales and depart from event. University Police Department to support escort of event to ensure vendor exits premises in a timely and safe manner. Vendor will not be able to participate in any future Texas State University events hosted by Student Involvement & Engagement.